MayaBY UpavishtaKonasana




What you seek, is seeking you. - Rumi


I no longer know who i would be without yoga in my life. It seeps into every waking moment - when i open to its energy.
Since birthing my two babies my yoga practice has become a sacred ground from which i can return to and be at peace with who i am.
My children remind me daily where the true heart of a yoga practice lies - in the seemingly mundane activities of house work, or taking time to be present to their needs,
i am reminded over and over again, like a quiet mantra to `Be here now and breathe with what is.´ I continue to learn that yoga is a state of mind,
and that the mind can feel expansive and free both on and off the yogamat.  I am becoming an expert in reading my own body and mind,
a witness of my very being and adapting depending on what is currently present. Rather than an obsession to be perfect, i am simply open to being the best person i can be -
embracing all of myself, and discovering pathways of more skilful living.

The wisdom i have learnt from my yoga practice has prepared me to be the mother, the wife, the friend, the stranger...
in a way that makes me feel (mostly) proud of who i am and what i stand for.
My teachings reflect the greater acceptance i have for myself by allowing the student to be as they are and simply start from there.
As i evolve, so too do my classes - they are a growing blend of inspiration and spontaneous reflections. 
In essence i like to teach in a way that supports the student to feel more present and alive in their body and heart,
and to leave their practice feeling more embodied and grounded in their being.




Kira Gomukhanjanli

 Photo: AndyJacksonphotography  





1996 was a beautiful year where yoga entered my life. I began practicing regularly with my then teacher, Sam Weinstein in Perth, Australia.
In 2002 i began a mentorship with him and studied what now is referred to as `vinyasaflow´; and prenatal yoga.
The 9 months with him formed the basis, or roots of my teachings  from which i am eternally grateful. He especially influenced my desire to teach pregnant women,
and women with babies, along with living life in the most natural way possible. His classes were always a combination of sharing, story telling, giving advice,
laughing and asana practice. His indepth knowledge later influenced how i would choose to bring up my own children. Moving to Innsbruck, Austria in 2003,
together with my husband Lucas, we opened the `Antaratma Yoga Shala´.  
In addition to offering prenatal yoga and baby yoga classes, I teach a variety of adult open classes too.

My son, Liam was born at home with a midwife in 2006; my daugher Maya was born in water in 2008.
I felt blessed to be able to breastfeed them both well past their first year and our family has enjoyed co-sleeping for more than 12 years. 
I thank my co-teacher helene Krainer for planting the seed in my body to offer prenatal yoga teacher trainings.
Her belief in me, and that of my students kept the fire glowing when it was dim.
Since 2015 i have been gathering my knowledge into a concise 140+ page manual for sharing this vast topic with others.
Always evolving i doubt it will never be completely finished.


A few other landmarks along the path: 

2017: Mindfulness - Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) Retreat 

2017: Doula Training  With Conscious Birthing

2017 : Presence as a doula at a beautiful birthing home in Innsbruck (Hebamme Praxis)

2017 & 2018 : Paramana Doula Trainings with Michael Odent and Liliana

Teachers whom i have practised and studied with and have mostly influenced my teachings include (although not limited to ) : 
Sam Weinstein, Sri Acharya Venkatesh, Donna Farhi, Judith Lasater (Relax and Renew®), Sarah Powers and Josh Summers (Yin and Mindfulness Meditation)
and Shiva Rea (Prana Flow®). In 2019 begins my journey with (BMC) Body, Mind Centering- as taught by Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen.

Ever evolving, with love the journey continues...



Kira Parighasana

Photo: AndyJacksonphotography


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