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About Kira

`Yes I can´. Three words, a simple yet profound Mantra which has guided and supported me through the years and
brought me to the place where I am now. When I look back, life has gently swayed me in this direct since I was a little girl.
A childhood memory of pretending to birth babies when I was only 6 years old was perhaps where it all began.
Many years later I entered a building by the beach in Perth, Australia that was to direct the flow of the rest of my life. 
I found my home in Downward facing Dog Pose with a teacher, Sam Weinstein who inspired me to grow and to love in a way I never had before. 
After my regular Saturday morning yoga class, in would arrive radiant women with beautiful pregnant brown bellies, relaxed and eager for their turn. 
I always wondered what on earth would Sam `do´ with them?

Luckily for me, years later, secrets were revealed as I began a mentorship with him.
Not knowing that this would not only open my eyes with how to teach a pregnant woman yoga, but simply how to live in the most natural way possible.
Like a long lost friend had returned to me and invited me back home.

I have never looked back since, and after 15 years of nurturing women through pregnancy, birth and beyond with the healing art of Yoga,
in some way, I hope I am helping to fill the world with happy mothers and little baby Buddhas.
With love, I look forward to sharing my experiences with those who wish to also support women through this life-changing journey to motherhood.


About Jade:



Jade is a yoga and belly dance teacher and is passionate about empowering women.
She started belly dancing many years ago in Spain, her country of origin,
but it wasn't until she became pregnant and started practicing yoga that she realized how
deep the art of belly dancing really is and how helpful it is for women.
After the birth of her second child, she created Muttertanz (www.muttertanz.at).
Now she regularly offers belly dance courses in Innsbruck for pregnant and non-pregnant women.



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